Berserker Firearms in Euless, TX is a type 07 FFL specializing in refurbishing and remanufacturing older firearms.
All sales and pickups require appointments, so please use the Contact Us section at the bottom of this page.

An Astra Cub that came in poor condition. We replaced and hand fitted the missing and damaged parts. Turned out to be a sweet little pocket pistol.

Refurbishing Firearms
Our passion at Berserker Firearms is breathing new life into neglected guns. This all started from a side project, when a friend of the owner had an old shotgun from his grandfather that sat in a closet for decades. After finishing the work, the end result was outstanding! That shotgun is now a prized possession, proudly displayed over a living room fireplace. It was after this experience that Berserker Firearms was born.

This Type 56 (SKS clone) came in straight from the warehouse it was stored in, caked in cosmoline. We cleaned it up, refinished both wood and metal, and shimmed the stock for a solid shooter. Turned out to be a real beauty.

In addition to refurbishing, we offer transfer services for online sales from other vendors, and we can order items in for you from our many distributor relationships. Just contact us and we can give you a quote!
All our readily shippable offerings are posted on: GunBroker
Our Services

This 12 gauge pump security shotgun, and AR15 with modern accoutrements, are examples of the limited items we keep on hand readily available for local purchase and pickup. Use the Contact Us section at the bottom of this page to inquire on current local inventory.
Contact Us

This Glock-Like pistol is a custom build made under our manufacturing license. The owner personally carries this model.